According to Child Mind Institute, "A young child with dyslexia may:
Have trouble learning simple rhymes
Be speech delayed
Have a hard time following directions
Have difficulty with short words; repeat or leave out words like and, the, but
Have trouble differentiating left from right
In school, kids with dyslexia are likely to:
Have significant difficulty learning to read, including trouble sounding out new words and counting the number of syllables in words
Continue to reverse letters and numbers when reading (read bear as dees, for example) after most kids have stopped doing that, around the age of 8
Struggle with taking notes and copying down words from the board
Have difficulty rhyming, associating sounds with letters, and sequencing and ordering sounds
Have trouble correctly spelling even familiar words; they will often spell them phonetically (cmpt instead of camped)
Lack fluency in reading, continuing to read slowly when other kids are speeding ahead
Avoid reading out loud in class
Show signs of fatigue from reading with great effort
The impact of dyslexia doesn’t stop when class ends. The disorder can also affect kids outside of school. Children with dyslexia might also:
Have trouble understanding logos and signs
Have difficulty learning the rules to games
Struggle to remember multi-step directions
Have trouble reading clocks and telling time
Have a particularly hard time learning a new language
Have emotional outbursts as a result of frustration"
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Parents Guide to Dyslexia. (n.d.). Retrieved from