More Than Speech

Mar 27, 20232 min

"Turning Picky Eaters into Foodies: A Guide to Feeding Therapy"

Are you the parent of a picky eater? If so, you may be feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and frustrated. Picky eating is common in young children, but it doesn't have to be permanent. Feeding therapy can provide various benefits for picky eaters and their families. It is designed to help children develop positive associations with food and expand their food repertoire. Feeding therapists use a variety of approaches and techniques to address the underlying causes of picky eating.

One of the significant benefits of feeding therapy is that it can address the underlying causes of picky eating. This means that rather than just addressing the symptoms, the therapist can help the child work through the issues leading to their picky eating.

Feeding therapy can also have a positive impact on the family. It can help to reduce stress and frustration for parents, as well as to create a more positive environment for mealtimes. The therapist can also provide valuable tips and strategies for parents when dealing with picky eating.

Improving your child’s overall health is another benefit of feeding therapy. A balanced diet will give your child the essential nutrients to grow and develop. It can also reduce their risk of developing chronic health conditions like obesity or diabetes.

Finally, feeding therapy can significantly impact a child's nutrition. Expanding the range of foods they are willing to try makes them more likely to get the nutrients they need and may help reduce the risk of health problems associated with malnutrition.

Feeding therapy can be a great way to help a child overcome picky eating. It can help to identify underlying causes, reduce stress and frustration for parents, and improve nutrition. If you're the parent of a picky eater, consider talking to a feeding therapist to see how they can help.

Here are a few tips/tricks that you can use to help your picky eater at home:

  1. Start with small portions: Offer small servings of new food and encourage your child to take at least one bite.

  2. Offer a variety of foods: Serve various foods and allow your child to choose which ones they will try.

  3. Focus on the positive: Reward your child for trying new foods instead of punishing them for not eating them.

  4. Use visual cues: Create a visual chart encouraging your child to try a new food each week.

  5. Make mealtime fun: Involve your child in food preparation and let them help plan meals.

  6. Let them participate in grocery shopping: Allow your child to pick out a new food to try or help you choose ingredients for a meal.

  7. Model healthy eating habits: Demonstrate healthy eating habits, so your child can learn from you.

  8. Offer a dipping sauce: If your child is not interested in trying new food, try serving it with a dip or sauce they enjoy.

  9. Offer foods in different forms: If your child is a picky eater, try serving familiar foods in different forms, such as turning vegetables into a pizza topping or incorporating them into a casserole.

  10. Be patient: Be patient, and don’t give up. It can take up to 15 times for a child to like a new food.

Contact us today to schedule an evaluation to understand your child's specific feeding needs and how you can support them during mealtimes.

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